
Airports represent movement: arrival and departure. They are the hubs where people and machines meet. They are part of one single enormous global system, called airspace, and they are closed systems within themselves with runways, taxiways, security areas and departure lounges: passengers and planes have their own specific spaces.

Drawings of airports reflect many important ideas in my practice: information (maps), technology (aircraft), trade (corporations), and land use (nature). A technical aside: these drawings were made on paper that has creases and that can fold. They are also stored in a single cardboard box, as you never know when you might need them.

DTW (Detroit), media on folded paper, 30” x 44”, 2014

KHI (Karachi), media on folded paper, 30” x 44”, 2014

ADD (Addis Adaba), media on folded paper, 30” x 44”, 2014

JFK (New York), media on folded paper, 30” x 44”, 2014